2007 FW:
2008 SS:
b. Monochromatic color scheme
c.Analogous color scheme
c.Analogous color scheme
What color principle Asturo Tayama applied in?
1.Principle of Familiarity
The principle of familiarity is based on the concept that familiarity is pleasing and readily accepted. As a result, color schemes based on nature will seem pleasing to most people.
Asturo Tayama always use this principle in his collection. He likes to use the nature colors like apple red , sky blue , grass green etc.
2.Principle of Resemblance
The principle of resemblance basically states that colors harmonize more when the differences between them are less.
It justifies selecting light and dark colors of the same hue(monochromatic color scheme), or colors from an analogous color scheme.
It is the other principle Asturo often use in his collection.
3.Principle of order
The principle of order suggests that colors should be based on an orderly plan. This might be an analogous color scheme, a contrasting color scheme, or a triadic color scheme. This principle also advocates using equal differences.
I absolutely love your blog! I thought I was the only one slightly (?!) obsessed with colours!!!! =)
ReplyDeleteThanks!!Your blog is nice,many colorful products.=]