Monochromatic color scheme
These two outfits use the Monochromatic color scheme.
Different lightness of gray create a color harmony to the outfits.
Also, the right outfit with a red color jacket which have a same intensity and pattern (stripes) with the dress can create harmony with a different color.
Analogous Color Scheme
Green & blue is Analogous Colors.
Using different intensity of these colors can create different effect.
Like the second outfit uses a lighter blue with a darker green.
Light blue looks soft &young while dark green look heavy.
These 3 outfit use the Anologous color scheme. (Orange & yellow;Blue & violet)
Complementary color scheme
This outfit use black as a based color and applied Complementary Colors scheme (yellow and violet) with geomatric printed patterns.
These 2 outfit use Compliementary color shceme.
Moss & Charcoal are different intensity of orange & blue .
This scheme is intrinsically high-contrast BUT it use the simular intensity of these color to lower the contrast .
>>It look more easy on eyes.
Achromatic color scheme
Using a spot color in a black color background can direct the reader's eyes to special sections or important information for fast identification.
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