Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Street snapshots

Netual and causal look are quite common in HK. The popular color in this look is Brown ,gray ,khaki, Blue jeans...

Using nature colors is the most easy and safe way to create hormary.

Blue & Brown are nature colors from sky blue and soil brown.

We are not difficult to see these colors combination product.

Altough HK weather is wet & hot , "Eskimo shoes" still popular in HK this winter.

Shoes is one of the critical element to create "folk look".

Color in Black with a spot color (such as Red),is the most easy way to make the look good and less boring.

Some girls in HK like to wear a colorful pantyhose or shoes with short pants or dress.

The wears should not be so colorful,so the focus point will give to the lower part of the body.

Checked pattern still popular in HK this year, we can see different combination of colors in the patterns.From high class Burberry to a $10 dollars scarf are using different color scheme or principle of colors in the checked pattern to create color harmony.

Also Scotland patterns are also using it.

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