黑色的针织套装,在胸部的别针制造出褶皱的体积效果。还有各种针织开襟毛衫可以搭配穿着。外套和连衣裙上的黑腰带束出腰线,配上广口喇叭袖和宽阔的底边,塑造了50年代腰身合体下摆张开的典型形象。 也不要忘记黑色裹腿对于风格的完善。鞋子的设计制作采用不同的材料但是与服装的风格协调统一。
提花织物的色彩经过谨慎的甄选。白色、淡褐色与壁纸图案的印花结合看上去简单朴素。大部分的提花织物面料制成亮光、凸条、亮缎,素色的提花织物用于富有男性风格的经典防护风衣的设计,以及华丽的好莱坞风格样式。 使用金属丝来塑造短上衣的优雅立领,搭配紧身胸衣和蓬蓬袖。带有大扣子低圆领口并有立领。超短上衣胸线下张开……可以将这样的上衣与紧身罗缎裤搭配,这里搭配的关键是体积感与合体的对比效果。
各种颜色的采用60年代风格印花的夏季连衣裙,浅绿和紫色等。轻柔优雅的色调和白色的缎带淡化了夸张华丽的印花图案。 连衣裙下面露出带有精致褶皱的薄纱,体现出高级时装的味道。
sauce from: elady.enet.com.cn
Atsuro Tayama 2007 Spring Summer collection inspiration originates from the 50's classical designs,plus 60's active and noticeable designs.
In this collection, Tayama used his unique beaustiful annotation to entice our attentions.He has the mysterious charm to express the grace.
These graceful designs are outstanding, and embellishes the stripe design with the striking dye printing, the vivid circle design, glistens striped design as well as red, white and the navy blue smart-alecky Polka punctual design.
These characteristics reveal the designer all “the futurist” the design idea.
As you see, this season fashionable clothing brings the nostalgia -like gracefulness .
The 60's design
Original dye printing design, with retrospective circle and stripe designs.These dye printing printed in the tension silk, satin, give a lithe feeling.
collection supplementary material and matches have the handicraft feeling , for example the circular big button, the spacious enamel waistband, also the tricolor necklaces and earrings and so on;
Also has the multicolor thick bottom sandals and square head is the belt thick bottom sandals; The shoe uses many kinds of materials, for example snake skin, cowhide, alligator skin.
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