人類透過眼角膜看到不同的顏色,之後經過大腦分析再發出不同的「心情訊息」,可見顏色的分工是何等責任重大。當然,在無邊無際的色彩國度裏,單單一種色調也有數百款深淺光暗的組合,若閣下身為廣告、製衣、印刷或時裝行業的人士,工作與顏色息息相關,就知道一本價值千元的Pantone Catalog可以解決溝通上的問題,因為不同顏色都有一個獨特編號系統,能輕易將顏色由一個抽象名詞變得具體化。同樣地,Pantone每年都會選出一個全年代表的顏色,去年的Blue Iris(鳶尾藍)已成歷史,今次入選的是14-0848編號的Mimosa(上圖上);據官方表示含羞草花朵(上圖下)和雞尾酒所呈現的黃色,是象徵人人皆想擁有的樂觀情緒,但最先教筆者質疑的,是運用在時裝設計上的確可行嗎?
Even though does the yellow attractive eye-catching, once we put on the yellow skin will otherwise be somewhat awkward? Certainly, nobody proposed your body all puts on the yellow, but since Pantone all recommend to fashion designers, expected all design may take the yellow as subject Piece-work, as soon as also is worth trying!
Returnd to the ' 09 spring summer fashion show has many design work also identically rush towards this “ ranks”, explained the yellow becomes the season's main color is just a sooner or later matter.
Therefore,if we hope to add yellow elements to the collection, will conservatively put on the“one light one dark” strategy. The dark color first choice is black,it may unfold the intense color contrast of black and yellow . The effect can be more prominent; what's more, is “the fresh color alliance”, for example put a sea day color light blue tone, as well as comes on behalf of sun's fresh orange tone. Crossover, uses the evolution tone supplement believe can easily be accepted.
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